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In the media

I firmly believe that sharing our stories is a powerful way to promote good health awareness, and empowers others to advocate for themselves.

As a survivor and a coach, I hear from my clients how important it is that they feel validated in their thoughts and feelings - when they hear of other similar lived experiences of chronic illnesses.

Together we are stronger, more informed and better supported.

Podcast Tile_ The Spiritual Scientist.png

Creating a life of peace, joy and fulfillment after a chronic illness

I was incredibly grateful to be asked to join Sara on her podcast, and share insights from my cancer journey and how it then shaped my work with clients who have walked a similar path.


Pink Hope blog

Pink Hope is a breast and ovarian preventative health hub. I'm excited to be writing a series of blogs for this wonderful organisation:

Running Up the Steps

Cancer Council webinar: What role does exercise play in my cancer recovery

I had the privilege to be part of a panel on a webinar hosted by Cancer Council NSW, discussing the role that exercise played in my recovery from extensive cancer treatment.


Wildfire: Body issue June/ July 2021

Wildfire is a magazine giving young women who have had breast cancer, an opportunity to share their stories and experiences. I was able to make a small contribution to the Body issue of 2021.

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